10 Things that Make a Smacking Good Horror Story


Writing a horror story? See whether you have these 10 things in place.

Writing a horror story? You have the plot, but are you hitting the right notes? Here is a quick checklist based on celebrated works of famous writers of the genre. Whether it is for a submission or for your novel, see if you are doing the right thing with your horror story. Writing tips from Neil D’Silva.

  • A protagonist whom everyone feels sad for, and roots for.
  • An antagonist capable of unleashing the most unimaginable evil.
  • Flaws; a truly chilling story feeds on the flaws of its people.
  • Stakes so high they could pierce the sky.
  • A place where no one wants to be.
  • A time when no one wants to be alone.
  • Hurt of the kind that is unbearable to even think about, lot less to experience.
  • Sounds, sights, smells, tastes, and touches that make you wish you never had the five senses.
  • Language that speaks minimally, but with words and phrases that keep swirling in the mind.
  • A climax that plays on and on in the reader’s miserable mind.

To read acclaimed horror shorts from Neil D’Silva, click on the following:



How to Write an Effective Edge-of-the-Seat Thriller

I was recently at a writing seminar where a popular author shared his tips for churning out nail-biting thrillers. I was happy to note that most of the things he said were in accordance with my own ideas, and which I have already followed in my book Maya’s New Husband. Now, people who know me will corroborate with this — if I stumble upon something interesting, I want to share it with others. In this case, I decided to share these writing tricks, tips or whatever you might want to call it, with my fellow authors and aspiring writers.